First off, We want to thank you guys for the club that we have. We shot IDPA with
another group this past week. They have a completely different attitude and vibe from what we
enjoy. The range was cleaner, bigger and nicer than Topeka's but we would choose our group no
matter where we shot over the other guys group any day.
We feel very lucky to have access to a club like ours. We talk to one another. We help each other.
We applaud each other's zeros and fast times and we poke gentle fun at our mistakes. If
"management" sets the tone, you guys have set the ideal tone for our club. Thank you for that and
PLEASE keep it up.
We knew you guys were "pros" and had a deep well of knowledge and experience to draw from.
The way our club is run is a very high benchmark. You've drawn some top notch folks to the club.
We are so spoiled with the fantastic setup you and the others have provided. We were happy with
what y'all did at Topeka and then you tossed Corndodger into the mix which brought it way over
the top. Thank you all once again.
“ A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” - Second Amendment of the United States Constitution