We are a Defensive Shooting club in North East Kansas committed to improving your Defensive Shooting Skills. With the new Concealed Carry Law in Kansas there are more shooters than ever seeking to improve and practice their shooting skills.
Our main focus is on training and practice. We offer affordable professional training classes at all levels for Pistol, Carbine and Shotgun. We also offer safe competitive practice through IDPA matches. IDPA provides a great opportunity to work on your gun handling skills while improving your shooting abilities in "Real World"scenarios.
We are member clubs or sanctioned by the National Rifle Association (NRA), Kansas State Rifle Association (KSRA), and International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA)
For any additional information Contact Lee Tebbutt at wlee@freetrapper.com or by phone at 785.617.0061
Ed Eller at ed@kscommercial.com or by phone at 785.608.6159 or
In Wichita Contact Scott Tebbutt at stebbutt@cox.net or by phone at 316.295.9448
“ A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” - Second Amendment of the United States Constitution